toya carter hairstyles 2011

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  • wmmk
    Aug 27, 12:16 AM
    PowerBook G5 next tuesday?
    that is so not funny at all any more:rolleyes:

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  • notabadname
    Apr 5, 05:08 PM
    This is so needed. Hope it is a dramatic improvement.

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  • toya carter 2011 hairstyles.

  • 11thIndian
    Apr 9, 02:32 PM
    11thindian, do you still think it's only professionals that I know?

    Of course not. The proliferation of people who say that they have migrated to another platform indicates that for varying reasons, be they technical, workflow, or otherwise... some have left FCP. There are reasons to do that. I would just rather people state personal experience for what it is; rather than paint broad, unsubstantiated remarks like, "Apple is bleeding market share to Premier!". State what's happening for you in your neck of the woods. That's educational for everyone, rather than being combative.

    Heck, my first 4 years in NLE was on AVID. Why did I switch? Primarily because that's where my market was going. I couldn't stick with FCP if all my clients decided they were going to make a switch to another platform now.

    My biggest confustion is with people already labelling this iMovePro. There's no solid evidence of this. Apple hasn't let the product lay fallow, they've recovered from an internal crossed wires as to platform direction in which resulted in a modest update with FCS3, but have been working on a complete rewrite.

    If Apple were just delivering a reheated 64bit FCP7 that could play DSLR footage natively, THEN I'd be worried! But by all accounts they've rewritten from scratch, and completely rethought the product, the goals, the interface. That takes a lot more time and effort.

    Until the cat is out of the bag, I prefer to be more interested than worried.

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  • toya carter hairstyles 2011.

  • TripHop
    Jun 17, 05:51 AM
    West Coast corporate store. At 10AM Paciific they had white codes to order with but no orders were possible due to the overload. So my store manager put all the orders on paper and manually placed them with corporate later in the day over the telephone. He thinks he's getting one WHITE 32 for me and will let me know Tuesday when he gets a copy of the shipping manifest. :eek:

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  • toya carter hairstyles 2010.

  • MacBoobsPro
    Jul 20, 10:09 AM
    you need to do your math better, extra core = 1.5x - 1.8x speed increase. but still the same power usage as a normal core!

    Wow Im having to do a lot of explaining of my posts, im beginning to think im a bit retarded. :(

    24Ghz is (in my head) an 8 core machine running at 3Ghz i.e. 8x3=24

    Its just an example to make things easier for people to answer my OP. :)

    DISCLAIMER: All information contained within my posts sounded right in my head at the time of writing. However I may have been A) Quickly typing because I should actually be working B) Trying to be funny but failing miserabley or C) Drunk. It is not my intention to confuse people but I seem to do it quite easily and without knowledge. Please address any complaints to the complaints dept. at Microsoft Corporation.

    toya carter hairstyles 2011. toya carter hairstyles 2011.
  • toya carter hairstyles 2011.

  • KnightWRX
    Mar 22, 12:59 PM
    I agree.

    But who in their right minds would want to own something called a Playbook? :o

    Coaches all over the world. You know, to replace their paper Playbooks. ;)

    toya carter hairstyles 2011. toya carter hairstyle 2011.
  • toya carter hairstyle 2011.

  • bagelche
    Apr 5, 09:36 PM
    Heh. looks like foidulus had a similar idea. I missed that post. And MattInOz comes in with a reasonable rebuttal and more technical knowledge than I have.

    I don't think either foidulus or I were saying they were completely siloed--I'm sure they had some level of access to the A/V code. The question is is it in SL. Possibly.

    toya carter hairstyles 2011. toya carter hairstyle 2011.
  • toya carter hairstyle 2011.

  • DoFoT9
    Nov 29, 03:28 PM
    lots of negativity, but i was happy with GT3&4 for the pure racing side of things.

    what i REALLY enjoyed from GT3, was the endurance events - how are they in GT5?

    toya carter hairstyles 2011. toya carter hairstyle 2011.
  • toya carter hairstyle 2011.

  • Amazing Iceman
    Mar 31, 05:27 PM
    Really? :confused:

    I always perceived it as everyone against Apple. Just read the comments on any tech site anytime Apple launches a new product. "This has fail written all over it".... "only iSheep will buy this crap"...... blah, blah, blah.

    The amount of people who never bought an Apple product, but will still log-on to blast away at anything Apple is really quite amusing. ;)

    Yeah. Some people don't realize that the final words are reflected in the Financial Reports, Quarterly Earnings, etc.

    Regardless of what surveys may reveal, the final word is in the $$$ it keeps generating.

    Being this the case, I want to be a total failure, just like Apple. They are failing so hard, their earnings are out of control... Too much money for them to handle. What a failure! :D

    toya carter hairstyles 2011. toya carter 2011 hairstyles.
  • toya carter 2011 hairstyles.

  • ChrisA
    Aug 7, 06:43 PM
    Probably the same way it is in scalable transactional databases that use multi-versioning concurrency protocols (e.g. PostgreSQL and Oracle). No data is over-written, and every "update" actually creates a new record version.

    Lots of ways it COULD be implemented. Looks at Suns new file system ZFS. It is basically "Copy on Write". With a file system you can do things even fancier then with a DBMS. For example a "block" (i-node) exists physicaly on the disk only once but it could be maped into any numbr of files. If a file in only an orderd set of block numbers then to copy a copy all you need to copy is the set of numbers which is on the order of 1000 times shorter then the data itself.

    But on the other hand you _want_ the data to be physically copied if it is to be backed up to an external drive.

    Some time ago Apple was talking with Sun about using ZFS in OSX but I don't think anything came out of it. I suspect Apple wrote this themselves

    The problem is not that I can't figure out how Apple did this but that I can think of about a half dozen ways they could have done this.

    toya carter hairstyles 2011. toya carter new show 2011.
  • toya carter new show 2011.

  • Superdrive
    Nov 28, 07:05 PM
    Make quality music and I'll buy it.

    Perhaps my iPod doesn't even play Universal's music. Why should they get a chunk? Greedy bastards. Apple should just go ahead and open up the iTMS to artists and eliminate the middle man.

    toya carter hairstyles 2011. toya carter 2011 hairstyles.
  • toya carter 2011 hairstyles.

  • ThunderSkunk
    Mar 26, 10:26 PM
    I have a question.

    I don't expect we'll be able to use iOS apps in OS X as early as Lion, and I understand based on the different chip architecture, it shouldn't be able to run at all...


    I distinctly remember watching that first keynote when they made their dev program available, and walked us through the iPhone dev tools, and seeing an OS X On-screen emulator, that would let you code and test your apps as you wrote them right there in OS X, with a big clumsy dot for a "fingertip"...

    If they'll run in that emulator, isn't it conceivable that in some way, your iOS apps would find a way, using that emulator layer, to look something like dashboard, to run in both environments?

    I'm thinking, syncing the data between both mobile and desktop iOS apps would be simple enough to be done automatically, like dropbox for instance, or a basic itunes information sync... Then on your desktop or MBP, you'd have access to content you've created on your mobile device, for a seamless user experience. None of this "sent to itunes, download from itunes" nonsense, with verions all over the place to keep track of.

    I imagine a macbook pro will come someday, with a standard vertical screen and basically an ipad for the horizontal keyboard area. Imagine the possibilities there, of integrating the two ecosystems... how could they NOT give that a try?

    We're not there yet, obviously, but Lion seems like something of a step in that direction.

    toya carter hairstyles 2011. antonia toya carter hairstyles
  • antonia toya carter hairstyles

  • HecubusPro
    Aug 27, 09:56 AM
    What makes you say Nintendo sucks so much?

    Because, just as there are Mac fanboys, there are also Nintendo, Microsoft and Sony fanboys. As much as we'd like to think our platform of choice is clearly the best, in all actually, each one has something unique to offer that the other may lack.

    Whether we like to believe it or, the same goes for PC vs. Mac, OSX vs. Windows, ATI vs. Nvidia, etc. I've had macs off and on since I was a kid. I've also had several other types of computers other than Windows machines (mostly Commodore systems--man I loved my Amiga 500 with it's upgrade to 1 whole MB of ram :cool:.)

    I was first in line to buy the original iMac. I bought it day one. I upgraded it's graphics card, which supposedly was not supposed to be upgradable, so I could play Unreal. Then I began to religiously follow the tragic saga of the Half-Life port to the Mac OS. The guy who was doing it (yes, a one man team), after months of receiving very little support from anyone, eventually threw his hands in the air and gave up. I was distraught, and, as a huge gamer (not fat, just a video game fan :p ), that's when I decided I needed to get a PC with Windows. It was a tough choice, but I knew I had to do it if I wanted to play the latest, greatest PC games. Apple has sorely lacked in porting games to their OS's.

    While I did eventually buy a used iBook about 4 or 5 years ago (which I recently sold to help fund my new MBP), I always promised, "I will buy a mac again when I can play any games that a PC can play." Well, now I'm putting my money where my mouth is. I'm jumping head first into the mac market once more, and I thank the Intel switch for allowing it to happen.

    While I know I probably won't be able to respectably play games like Crysis and Unreal Tournament 2007 on my MBP, I've become content with having console systems (Xbox 360, soon Wii, much later PS3 when price drops ;).) At this point in my life, I'm trying to simplify. I'm tired of having the huge tower system and massive monitor taking up so much room in my life, so I decide to go with the MBP. I want to be able to move from my desk to the living room, from the house to work, from state to state, etc. with ease and with all I need computer-wise.

    So I'm back and I'm happy to be here. Of course, how I managed to get off on a self-rant from someone responding to a perceived Nintendo insult I have no idea. Sorry about that. :D

    Did I say I can't wait to get my MBP? :o

    toya carter hairstyles 2011. toya carter 2011 hairstyles.
  • toya carter 2011 hairstyles.

  • Hallivand
    Mar 25, 10:34 PM
    Since the release of Leopard, the subsequent releases haven't had the wow factor of before.

    Just what I think anyway.

    toya carter hairstyles 2011. toya carter 2011 hairstyles.
  • toya carter 2011 hairstyles.

  • mBox
    Apr 6, 08:44 AM
    Folks there are cheaper options out there if you really need this.
    If your a real professional then get a BD-drive plus Toast.
    If your making tons of money then chances are you can afford Production or Master CS from Adobe.
    Back in the day if we wanted to do high-end video, the peripherals for Mac alone would cost twice to three times the cost of the Mac itself.
    Dont even bring up that other PC mfg have BD built in.
    There is a reason for that :P

    toya carter hairstyles 2011. toya carter hairstyle 2011.
  • toya carter hairstyle 2011.

  • ~Shard~
    Jul 14, 02:45 PM
    Also, think about what apple would be doing with such a machine - selling you a low cost, low margin mac that you could nonetheless upgrade with 3rd party components for years. Meaning that apple doesn't make a lot off you up front and doesn't get you coming back again for 5-ish years. Great for you, not so great for them. Whereas if they sell you a mac pro, they make a killing up front, so it's ok if you keep it for years, and if they sell you anything else you'll be back a lot sooner.

    Yep - and that's the reality of it. It isn't just about the consumer, it's about profit margins, product life cycles, sales, etc. Apple wants to please their customers of course, however at the end of the day, business is business. :cool:

    toya carter hairstyles 2011. toya carter bob. hairstyles
  • toya carter bob. hairstyles

  • TrollToddington
    Apr 6, 03:17 PM
    Both machines would be fine, though the 13"/15" MacBook Pro is more fully-featured of a machine than the Air, and frankly at that cost, why pay for an incomplete system?

    With a 13" or 15" MacBook Pro, there's little practical use for a MacBook Air unless you have a problem lifting the two extra pounds, and really, if you do, either exercise or invest in physical therapy.
    Disagree, the Air is a niche product, and there is a noticeable difference in weight. 2KG 13" Pro is exactly 50% heavier than 1.3KG Air, and if you lug the laptop around all day long such weight difference is noticeable. It might be added that most Air users are never gonna need the extra computing power of the MBP. If your work requires a MBP you're never going to get an Air anyway.

    I am going even further - I like the featherweight of the 11" and the fact that after the update it is going to be a very serious machine is not to be neglected.

    Last but not least, those 2 pounds you're talking about can be crucial when deciding what to take in your hand luggage when traveling by plane. I've been up to such a decision when I had to take my 2.8kg PC laptop. That's where I guess the name of the computer comes from - Macbook Air, designed for use on an Airplane.

    toya carter hairstyles 2011. toya carter 2011 hairstyles.
  • toya carter 2011 hairstyles.

  • princealfie
    Nov 29, 12:30 PM
    ... Is Ford going to start asking for a share of the groceries I haul in the trunk?

    Alas, Ford is nearly bankrupt too.

    toya carter hairstyles 2011. toya carter hairstyle 2011.
  • toya carter hairstyle 2011.

  • daze
    Aug 27, 12:29 PM
    Speaking of wish expectations Multimedia;

    I know you're hangin' out for Santa Rosa. The article mentions that it's expected in early 2007. Do you think that would be the date for official announcement of production-standard architecture, or actual availability announcement?

    Seems very early to be shipping...

    I could go out in September and get a Merom notebook, but I don't mind waiting 6 months for Santa Rosa to hit the street.
    Why not wait for the one after Santa Rosa? Then the one after... ;)

    Apr 8, 12:34 AM
    I am confused about this. Did Best Buy get iPads but tell customers that they don't have them? So now Apple pulled the iPads from the shelves, but there weren't any on the shelves...

    Why would they do that :confused:?

    Apr 6, 03:41 PM
    Once you have it, you don't want it without.

    ps:I type fastttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttttt

    sent from swipe keyboard :D

    I've never liked backlit keys and have it turned off on my MBPs. I find it annoying, personally, but I do touch type so I'm never looking at the keys. I totally understand those who do want that feature (and Apple should add it to the MBA because it appears to be important for a enough people), but personally I don't care for it and am glad I can turn it off.

    Nov 29, 12:52 AM
    anyone remember this show?

    Apr 6, 01:35 PM
    Under the hood it got all the bell and whistle, but the app market has not enough tablet optimized app to back it up. Some app just crash or won't open. And last time I check, they haven't release an update to allow the use to micro SDHC card yet.

    Xoom = DOA, Android = still fragmented

    Aug 17, 01:41 AM
    lol you mac folk and your photoshop :D
    let's get some game benchmarks :rolleyes:

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