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  • Lesser Evets
    Apr 6, 03:45 PM
    Should be called XOOSH: the sound of a toilet flushing.

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  • easter pictures to print and

  • robogobo
    Apr 8, 05:01 AM
    Maybe they ate too much magical unicorn dust and it clouded their judgement. :rolleyes:

    Omg unicorn dust that is so funny! Where do you get this awesome material? Hilarious!

    easter eggs colouring pics. Easter Egg Coloring Pages
  • Easter Egg Coloring Pages

  • Reach9
    Apr 11, 01:33 PM
    The iPhone 4 is still the best smartphone in the market, so not surprising.

    As for people expecting a 4" screen on the next iPhone dream on. They are not going to make an iPhone with a bigger screen.

    You're kidding right? iPhone 4 and iOS 4 are incredibly stale. Apple has realized this and hence strong rumors suggest a total revamped iOS 5. Anyway i don't agree with you, i don't think the iPhone 4 is the best smartphone in the market.

    What is the best smartphone in the market? The major Android phones (Thunderbolt, EVO etc.)

    I wouldn't put that much thought into the OP guys. No way Apple would not take advantage of the Holiday season. Do you think people will actually buy the over-a-year old iPhone 4?
    Remember how many sources said that the iPad 2 wouldn't be released until September? Remember how many people said there won't be an iPhone 4, until Gizmodo leaked the 'prototype'?
    We'll see about the iPhone 5 in WWDC.

    If anything Apple could have kept their iPad 2 for a September launch, but Apple is actually losing big time in the smartphone market, imo.
    If i don't see an iPhone 5 in WWDC, then i'll consider jumping ship.

    Apple has never been one to react to competition in the recent years. They seem to do what they think is best and let others follow them.

    I think they know that if they bring out the best one when it is released, they will sell as many as they can make for a long time.

    Of course Apple reacts to competition, every company in a market economy does. Apple might not blatantly say "the competition has a faster processor, that's why we made the A4 chip" but a basic University Econ class will teach you that every company reacts to the competition. Apple is no different.
    Even if they do what they think is best, then they're greatly failing.
    As a smartphone it is the iPhone that is following the competition, such as the lack of a notification system.

    easter eggs colouring pics. Coloring pages of Easter eggs
  • Coloring pages of Easter eggs

  • Stridder44
    Aug 7, 05:24 PM
    I'm sure I'm not going to hate it, it's probably gonna be fabulous, but it's not an innovation as Steve advertises it. In fact, not a single thing they showed about Leopard up to now is an innovation. Everything already exists somehow. I'm not complaining about the new features of the OS, but about how they present them. They're all (hopefully) improved versions of existing stuff!!

    True, I guess we can only hope that the top secret stuff is top secret for a reason (or because it wasn't ready for the Keynote)

    easter eggs colouring pics. Easter Bunny with Easter egg
  • Easter Bunny with Easter egg

  • rdowns
    Apr 27, 02:10 PM
    OK, let's move onto Obama's grades. When Obama caves and releases those, citing more important issues we need to deal with, the press will then go after his professors and classmates. What else will the wingnuts ask for?

    easter eggs colouring pics. some eggs for coloring:
  • some eggs for coloring:

  • Al Coholic
    Apr 27, 08:43 AM
    They also note that findings that the database continues to grow despite Location services being off as a bug that will soon be addressed.


    The MRbot needs some lessons in basic sentence structure.

    Apple is planning on releasing a free iOS update in the next few weeks that performs the following:
    - ceases backing up this cache, and
    - deletes this cache entirely when Location Services is turned off.

    Oh joy. Now AT&T's lightening-fast EDGE network will seek mindlessly for hours trying to find that lone cell tower as I drive across rural-ass USA. It'll probably take me days to dial out as well.

    Thanks Al Franken! Glad you got your useless staff to address this useless matter because there's nothing else you should be doing right now. (Enjoy your short senate term).

    easter eggs colouring pics. Easter Egg Colouring Picture
  • Easter Egg Colouring Picture

  • MrChurchyard
    Apr 6, 11:48 AM
    I bet you that you'll never see a iPad with screen resolution like 2048x1536, it's a ****ing nightmare to iOS developers. You don't understand that it's ****ing crazy, iOS interface like MacOS X interface is not scalable. Apple have to change the whole GUI before making this step forward. You know why there is much smaller apps for Android OS that for iOS? Because Adnroid devices have tons of screen resolutions and every ****ing vendor think that this is better but they kill platform with tons of resolutions, it's hard for developers to make apps compatible with all resolutions, again GUI problem.

    Not at all. It's pretty obvious that a future iteration of the iPad will have a 2048x1536 resolution, being exactly twice the current resolution. It will be just like they did for the iPhone with the Retina Display.

    And it's extremely easy for devs to make a Retina Display enabled app. Actually you don't even have to touch the code (*) at all and just drop in the images at twice the resolution into the assets. Everything else is handled by the OS automatically. Text etc. is scaled appropriately anyway, and if you have the @2x versions of the images used, it will use those instead of the single res versions.

    So no, no dev nightmare, no changing of the whole GUI, nothing of the sort.

    (*)= for devs - yeah, I know about the �imageWithContentsOfFile" bug that won't load the @2x versions ;)

    easter eggs colouring pics. Easter egg color pages present
  • Easter egg color pages present

  • Lollypop
    Aug 5, 05:17 PM
    *BitTorrent - Integrated into Leopard as a core technology, much like Spotlight. Used in Software Update and a new version of Safari.

    *iChat Phone - Call numbers through iChat as part of .Mac... I guess you could make a conference with a combination of multiple phone numbers/iChatters.

    I like the BitTorrent idea, would make downloading software updates very fast, could also be cool if its used for that movie store we have been hearing so much about :p

    Im a bit phone geek but just a plain revision to iChat to compete with aduim will make me a very happy camper already!

    easter eggs colouring pics. easter eggs colouring in.
  • easter eggs colouring in.

  • jmsait19
    Aug 11, 03:37 PM
    i just want a cell phone that works.

    all these phones today(by all these phones i mean the motorolas i have had, so mayby motorola's jsut suck) have this ridiculous amount of latency when you are navigating the menus. cause they have to have all this fancy crap flyin around. its like phones are using the same technology from 5 years ago but they are just piling these features into them so they dog down. overall phones today seem to suck just a bit. my nokia 8260 was the best phone i ever had and it was monochrome with no camera or video or stupid crap like that...

    plus it seems that my phones ability to get reception when inside a building has gotten worse over time too. i used to get good reception inside my work, but now i don't. and its the same building.

    so all in all, just give me a phone that works and functions well and i'll be happy.

    easter eggs colouring pics. easter eggs coloring pictures.
  • easter eggs coloring pictures.

  • JAT
    Apr 6, 04:55 PM
    LOL WUT? You're honestly going to count emulated games (pirated in almost all cases) as Android games?

    Besides, you can play them on iOS too, if rooted.

    easter eggs colouring pics. easter eggs colouring in
  • easter eggs colouring in

  • SevenInchScrew
    Aug 12, 01:15 AM
    its kind of like comparing two different beasts imo.
    I know they are fundamentally two different types of games in a similar genre, but he brought up the sales of the series, so I offered up another racing game series with much higher sales.
    let's see, my original post:

    {quote of your incorrect original post}

    noticed i said, "not including demos". which all other versions are, except for the psp game. granted, the last demo, or prologue, is a PS3 greatest hits.
    I don't really care if you count the Prologues as full releases or not. The fact remains...

    GT1 + GT2 + GT3 + GT4 = 46M

    ...not 57M like you originally, and incorrectly, said.
    ...but if we go off number of sales (since you seem to think b/c i mentioned it, it's the only thing i take into consideration)...i'd say GT5 stacks up very well with NFS, considering everything. again, just looking at sales here
    You brought up sales, not me. And last I checked, objectively, 100 is more than 57, regardless of how you subjectively look at it.
    that's still not the point. having that many cars adds to the game, and adds up in data on that one disk. i'm sure many players drive those same cars in real life
    No, the only thing that adds to is a stat point on the back of the box. I mean, hooray, someone's 87 CRX is in a racing game. YAY!! :rolleyes:

    That is the problem with GT these days. Too much fluff, and lacking in the racing. I mean, whatever, they can make whatever kind of game they want. If they want to fill the game with 1000 cars, 800 of which most people never touch, they can do that. To me, though, they are losing what made the series great years ago.
    GT5 is only on playstation.
    NO WAY!!! I never knew that. :rolleyes:
    with so many cars, and so many races, some need a guide. some races are very difficult.
    Sure, but a "Guinness Record" for it? Again, to much fluff.
    but again, it still is a real car. and the intention of producing 6 of these cars was for this game. that is clear.
    No, it is a concept car that Citro�n paraded around at car shows. Lots of concept cars get built with the fake intention of going into production. But you know what? Almost none of them do. This Citro�n is no different.

    easter eggs colouring pics. Easter egg and flowers
  • Easter egg and flowers

  • Bye Bye Baby
    Jul 21, 03:33 AM
    With all these new technologies with 4, 8 and eventually 24-core capacities (some time in the not too distant future) all running at 64-bit, we musn't forget that software also has tobe developed for these machienes in order to get the most out of the hardware. At the moment we aren't even maximising core-duo, let alone a quad core and all the rest!!!!

    Besides, for 90% of what non-pro users do, these advances will help very little. Internet will still run at the same spead and my ipod will still chug along with USB2 etc.

    Pros with pro apps acn rejoice, only if software keeps the pace!!!

    Let's hope so!!!

    easter eggs colouring pics. easter eggs coloring pictures.
  • easter eggs coloring pictures.

  • SiliconAddict
    Aug 11, 03:02 PM
    So what happens when Apple finds out the source of the leak was Jobs? Does he get fired? :p

    easter eggs colouring pics. easter eggs colouring in
  • easter eggs colouring in

  • MCIowaRulz
    Apr 5, 08:44 PM
    I agree I for see FCP needing Mac OS X Lion

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  • Bunny Coloring Easter Page

  • maclaptop
    Apr 19, 03:01 PM
    Sigh. The iPhone is still gaining market share. Not losing market share.
    Yes they are.

    Apple's doing a great job with one exception.

    It's the fact that they just can't be happy and celebrate all they've accomplished.

    They have to desperately dive into the slimy gutter and fire off law suits.

    easter eggs colouring pics. easter eggs colouring in.
  • easter eggs colouring in.

  • notabadname
    Mar 22, 03:42 PM
    To store data temporally. That is what RAM does.

    I believe the question was about what App on the iPad 2 is hindered by the amount of RAM. What are you trying to do, with what App, that needs 1GB? If the RAM isn't enhancing the experience, than what is the point other than to increase cost? You could put 4GB in an iPad too, but you will likely notn use it (with the current 1/3 million Apps). So what is the magic number that works seamlessly for 99% of what people use the device for?

    easter eggs colouring pics. Easter egg coloring page
  • Easter egg coloring page

  • KnightWRX
    Apr 20, 07:47 AM
    However the Galaxy devices are so close to Apple's products in appearance and design, it's very hard to tell them apart. THAT is the problem.

    Don't let a few cherry picked pictures trick you, most Galaxy models don't look at all like an iPhone :


    This one can go either way. Of course the Apple biased media are cherry picking their pictures. I'd doubt you'd have a hard time telling both devices apart in the real world with both in front of you.

    Especially consdiring the Samsung doesn't use the icon grid on its homescreen at all, contrary to what the pictures are trying to show.

    easter eggs colouring pics. Easter bunny coloring pages
  • Easter bunny coloring pages

  • barkomatic
    Mar 31, 03:58 PM
    At a glance your statement sounds fine. But that logic can be used for following logics:

    1. I don't care what US does to rest of world as long as I as an american can live nice, prosperous life.

    but i digress...

    You're comparing a phone or a tablet to U.S. foreign policy? I'm sorry, I don't think gadgets are as important as that but apparently you do. I think you need a check on your perspective.

    easter eggs colouring pics. easter eggs colouring in.
  • easter eggs colouring in.

  • ~Shard~
    Jul 14, 02:42 PM
    Appleinsider is saying that it can be used for both at your choice, but you have to go buy it and put it in. Not a add on to ordering.

    Odd, you think Apple would at least give you the option at the online Store, just as they do with 2 displays... But, perhaps one optival drive will indeed come standard, and the other will be available for whatever the person wants.

    Or perhaps there will not be 2 optical drives to begin with. :o ;) :cool:

    Apr 27, 05:41 PM
    The bigger deal here is the tendency of some fathers to name their kids the EXACT same name they have and add a "2nd". I've always thought that practice couldn't be stupidier. :P

    I have a friend was name that way. Instead of putting JR in he puts II in.

    Mar 22, 12:53 PM
    Blackberry playbook = The IPad 2 killer - you heard it here first.

    Look at the specs, their greater or equal to the iPad 2 with the exception of battery life.

    The vast majority of consumers won't be basing their tablet purchase on specs.

    Jul 27, 10:25 AM
    Lovely! :)

    This time next year I'll be in possession of a flawless Core 2 Duo, Rev C/D MBP, with Leopard. Hopefully

    Jul 15, 06:29 PM
    The gap between Mac mini/iMac and PowerMac is simply too large for many people. :cool:

    You could even take it a step further and say that the gap between the Mac mini and the (rumored) Mac Pro is too large. Why exclude the iMac? Well, for the consumer with a nice 20" LCD on his/her desk, the iMac is simply not an option.

    Give us a Conroe-based tower, please. They could even keep the same basic case design across the board. Call the upper end ones "Mac Pro Extreme" or something. (I like the idea of offering a black anodized aluminum case to differentiate between Conroe- and Woodcrest-based systems.)


    Apr 20, 02:00 PM
    Let's not forget that big companies file lawsuits not only when they think they have a rock solid case.

    Lawsuits are also filed to 1) deter competitors (not only the specific one that gets sued) and 2) raise a point in the media (in this case the point being Apple invents, competitors are copycats).

    Of course, had the case been deemed totally unfounded by Apple Legal and their bunch of advisors, it wouldn't have been brought to court at all.
    At the same time, if there is any chance that the case has some merit, a company will sue for sure, if points 1 and 2 above are not considered to do more damage than good.

    Conversely, solid lawsuits are not brought forward because of the bad impact sueing might have in the media.

    In this case Apple might have sued not necessarily because they think they'll win, but also, and maybe most importantly, to reinstate their position in the market. Even though some might read this as a crazy action from Apple, it is also likely that people with no particular tech interest (and still potential customers) will hear about it and get the message that Apple is defending what they have invented against a copycat.

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