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  • Kwill
    Mar 22, 12:49 PM
    Meanwhile, Apple is drowning in orders and battling light leaks ( in displays. If the quality cannot be improved expeditiously, would-be customers may investigate the competition. :(

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  • MacBoobsPro
    Jul 20, 08:55 AM
    I agree, increasing the number of cores can't be the only solution on long term. In my opinion it's time to rethink CPUs: Single, maybe dual core, high processing* power with extremly low power consumption, much lower than we have nowadays.

    * Whatever that exactly means, I don't know.

    Is having more cores more energy efficient than having one big fat ass 24Ghz processor? Maybe thats a factor in the increasing core count.

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  • p0intblank
    Aug 16, 10:43 PM
    Photoshop actually runs faster than I thought it would. :D

    If only I could afford a Mac Pro... :(

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  • portishead
    Apr 12, 12:28 PM
    Why are you endorsing lack of improvement?

    Nooooo not at all. You missed my next post with my feature requests. I'm just giving people a hard time about complaining that FCP isn't good enough. It has bugs, and it's quirky, but it mostly works.

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  • thunng8
    Apr 8, 06:53 PM
    CPU isn't the only thing that changed. AMD 6750M (~30W) has higher TDP than NVidia GT 330M (~23W). I had to put ~ because their TDPs are not officially stated by AMD or NVidia so it's just based on previous GPUs and their TDPs. The point is that AMD 6750M has higher TDP.

    330M is slightly underclocked, so that 23W would be a bit lower. However, the test where it was 40W higher was a CPU benchmark. It would have not stressed the GPU.

    I guess we will have to wait and see, but an ULV in 13" would be more than a disappointment.

    It would mean ~50% drop in frame rates for games.

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  • AlligatorBloodz
    Apr 8, 02:23 AM
    Well right now I'm looking at both their online stores. Both sites have the Apple TV @ $99, so... uh.. Lol.
    Wait ... I don't think I mentioned Best Buy paying customers to buy Apple products. I don't fully understand your post :/

    What don't you get. Best buy gets the ATV2 from apple for $90, then sells it for $99. The same price apple sells it for. Best buy makes $10 or less on every atv2 they sell.

    Also my point about the student discount was it wouldn't make sense for best buy to honor it if they lost money. It would make more sense not to sell it.

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  • NAG
    Apr 25, 02:33 PM
    Can we officially call this an over reaction? I'm all for Apple explaining what is going on here but a lawsuit is overkill. Where is the proof that this is actually harming people?

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  • McKellar
    Sep 19, 02:04 AM
    What is wrong with you people? Meroms in other brands of laptops haven't, or are only *just* starting to ship, and you people wail that Apple is doomed, when in the worst case scenario, they'll be a few days behind Dell. If they don't ship by next month, then sure, complain, but really, most of those who moan that Apple is "OMG SO OUTDATED MEROM MBPS SHOULD HAVE BEEN RELEASED 2 MONTHS AGO!!!" are out of touch with reality.

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  • scotty321
    Apr 7, 10:46 PM
    Anybody who knows anything about the people who work at Best Buy will tell you that they are all a bunch of untrustworthy backstabbing liars, and you can't trust a thing they do or a thing they tell you. Best Buy is the worst.

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  • RebootD
    Mar 25, 11:47 PM
    Wirelessly posted (Mozilla/5.0 (iPhone; U; CPU iPhone OS 3_0 like Mac OS X; en-us) AppleWebKit/528.18 (KHTML, like Gecko) Version/4.0 Mobile/7A341 Safari/528.16)

    If this is a standard $129 upgrade I don't see anything here worth that price sadly. That is unless somehow my 2009 mac pro will run 2x as fast but I am not keeping my fingers crossed.

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  • Tom B.
    Jul 14, 02:54 PM
    These look really cool, but I hope Apple have at least 1GB of RAM on these as standard, even on the cheapest model as this is supposed to be their most powerful computer. Actually they should have 1GB RAM as standard on all of their computers.

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  • maelstromr
    Apr 25, 02:31 PM
    Look out Apple...the chattel are beginning to rise. I hope these power-hungry thugs (Apple) get taken to the cleaners. Sad that Apple now views our location as a resource to be exploited.

    While I can't say that I like the idea of private information being recorded without clear consumer knowledge or warning, I have to wonder what exactly is getting 'exploited' here? In two years when you throw your phone out Apple secretly searches your trash, takes it and markets to you based on where you went two years ago? Give me a break. :rolleyes:

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  • Macnoviz
    Jul 21, 02:23 AM
    I think that the surprise will be next month when Steve J is talking about Leopard. He'll mention something like, "You might have read a bit about a new chip from Intel called Kentsfield. You might like to know that Leopard is designed to take full advantage of Kentsfield when it's released." He really doesn't need to say anything else - that alone will drive MS nuts.

    Maybe they will want to implement it pushing the release back to december:D

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  • manu chao
    Apr 27, 08:47 AM
    But if that happens, they already know everything there is to know about you anyway and have no need to check your Wi-Fi database. They've got your Address Book info, your bank site links and cookies, your email, your personal letters, etc.
    The point is that I save on my computer what I consider the computer to be safe enough for, which includes, eg, my e-mails. I simply would like to be given the choice to decide whether I want to save certain things on my computer or not. With that database, Apple did not give me the choice because it did not inform me about this database (if it had told me, I might have run a cron job to delete it, excluded it from my TM backups, encrypted my iPhone backups, etc.).

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  • sam10685
    Jul 27, 10:14 PM
    (I hate P4s)

    you can't make a statement like that. that's like saying "i hate general electric air conditioners." what the heck? all CPU's (and air conditioners) do the same thing.

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  • blahblah100
    Apr 27, 09:46 AM
    There aren't any concerns, but since the media hyped this up so much, they had to address it. Now they have. Should be the end of the story. But it won't be since there are anti-Apple folks who will push to keep this story alive as long as they can until the next Apple-gate story gets created.

    And I'm sure when the next Apple-gate story gets created, the blind fanbois will jump to their defense. :rolleyes:

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  • davidcmc
    Apr 6, 02:11 PM
    It's funny because appletards tend to speak about numbers in different ways.

    When it's related to Macs, they say they sell less than PCs but they're still much better.
    When it's related to tablets, they say the iPad sells more because it's better.

    So, I'm under the impression that the iPad is just like a "PC-like" market, which everyone buys because someone told it's cheaper and better.

    That's what appletards say about PCs, isn't that? Something like an underground market that avoids people from knowing the "real quality" of Macs.

    Ps: lol.

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  • Multimedia
    Sep 14, 12:23 PM
    i think they're coming up with 2 dual octo-core.......True That. But not until next summer 2007.

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  • Macnoviz
    Jul 20, 08:27 AM
    Anyone else think this is getting out of hand? Two cores, great improvement. Four cores, ehh it's faster but Joe can't tell. Eight cores, now thats just stupid.
    Let me guess it will only come with 512mb of Ram :p (ok it will be at least a GB).

    It's the future, you know, soon the clock speed will be irrelevant and we'll be expressing processor speed in number of cores octocore, hexacore, tricontradicore, hexacontetracore, hecticosoctocore, and such and such

    Lesser Evets
    Apr 6, 03:45 PM
    Should be called XOOSH: the sound of a toilet flushing.

    Sep 13, 08:49 AM
    Who knows, the hot setup may be a refurb'ed MacPro 2.0Ghz, then drop in better CPUs!

    Damn, yes, that would be the ultimate future hot machine - a second hand or refurb Mac Pro 2ghz, - I reckon by October they will about �1200 second hand, then in the new year, down to about �800, get one, then pop in 2 x 4 cores.

    Anyone know if the chipset will be pin-compatible with the next generation quad-cores?

    Seems we are stuck as far as increasing MHZ goes, 3ghz seems to be near the realistic limit. Now we're just adding more and more cores in. How many cores will be the feasible limit?

    After that, what will be the next method of radically increasing computing throughput?

    Apr 19, 02:43 PM
    Ya right. :rolleyes:

    Apple Q3/09: 7 million devices and 17.1% marketshare
    Apple Q3/10: 13.4 million devices (almost doubled!) but 16.7% marketshare.
    Nokia Q3/09: 18 million devices and 44% marketshare
    Nokia Q3/10: 29 million devices (+ 11 million!) but only 36% marketshare

    So Apple sold 6.5 million more units but lost 0.4% marketshare.

    Ya, right.

    Apr 25, 01:56 PM
    You aren't being tracked by Apple, you aren't being tracked to the meter. You can opt out, just switch off location services.

    And by the way even if you do switch off location services your location is still being tracked by the mobile phone companies everytime your phone makes a connection with one of their masts, which happens everytime you move cell. Oh and this happens with every phone, otherwise they wouldn't work.

    Stop being a paranoid sheep and start reading the facts of this case not the media hype.

    well said... this is just hysterical that all this fuss is being made over a file store privately on your own phone and your own computer and not being sent to anyone else. Yes what a total outrage my own devices are storing my own information in a place that only I can access! Grow up people!

    Jul 27, 03:47 PM
    How about a new Mac at WWDC?

    Lower Model:
    CConroe E6300 - 1.86 GHz � FSB1066 � 2 MB cache - ($185)
    1GB RAM
    160GB Serial ATA hard drive
    Double-layer SuperDrive (DVD+R DL/DVD�RW/CD-RW)
    One open PCI-Express expansion slot
    One open Optical drive slot [maybe] (i.e. for 2nd DVD drive)
    Graphics Card with 128MB SDRAM
    Built-in AirPort Extreme and Bluetooth 2.0, USB/FW800
    Remote [(?] I think this box will still be small enough to fit into home entertainment setups.]
    Keyboard, Mighty Mouse...................................................... $999

    Some Options:
    Conroe E6600 - 2.40 GHz � FSB1066 � 4 MB cache � (+$100)
    Wireless Keyboard/Mouse +$60
    Add DVD/CD ROM drive (in 2nd slot) + $50
    250GB SATA hard drive +$75
    +1GB RAM (2GB total) +$100
    +3GB RAM (4GB total) +$300
    Slightly Better Graphics Card with 256MB SDRAM + $50
    Much Better Graphics Card +$200+

    Very nice, indeed... (of course, i expect that Apple release something much more beautiful than waht you did :D :p :D)

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