cinco de mayo

cinco de mayo. cinco de mayo
  • cinco de mayo

  • Unspeaked
    Nov 29, 01:08 PM
    I agree, they won�t go away anytime soon, but change is coming, and change will be good for artists and consumers, not for the record labels.

    Sorry for my weird grammar or mispells, I am not a native english speaker, I don�t have a spell checker on this computer (in english at least) and I am too lazy to proof read what I wrote lol :)

    Dude, I think you're right on, and your English is fine (better than some native English speakers who post here, in any case!).

    Distribution methods like iTunes make the middle men - the labels - obsolete. It puts artists on a level playing field and coupled with viral marketing like MySpace and such it really spells the end for record labels as we know them.

    If anything, all a "record label" might hope to be in the future is a marketing branch that works with an artists and takes a small cut of their sales, not the eight headed monster who controls ever aspect of an artists career - from where they record their album to what sizes their t-shirts come in - that we find today.

    And as far as radio goes, it's totally done as a means of making hits. Heck, even next generation satellite radio is struggling - you're telling me terrestrial radio, which is nothing more than 15 minutes of talk and 20 minutes of commercial per hour is deciding what's popular today? Nuh uh. Try: MySpace, commercials, blogs, television series background music, etc. THAT's where today's hits come from.

    FM radio and MTV lost all significance ages ago. If you're using them to find hits, maybe you should get off your PowerMac 6100 and upgrade your 14,000 baud modem to a DSL connection so you can visit the real world...

    cinco de mayo. cinco de mayo food traditions.
  • cinco de mayo food traditions.

  • CaoCao
    Mar 4, 04:01 PM
    The problem with your "logic" is that not everybody is gay. Homosexuality is nothing new, gay people have been around for a long time, and humanity is surviving.

    Except I was responding to a post that suggested heterosexuals stop having sex...

    cinco de mayo. SB Cinco de Mayo Mexico
  • SB Cinco de Mayo Mexico

  • troop231
    Mar 22, 12:52 PM
    All formidable looking tablets, it is indeed the year of the tablet.

    So what is next year the year of? Phones again let me guess

    cinco de mayo. Cinco de Mayo Air Jordan I (1)
  • Cinco de Mayo Air Jordan I (1)

  • iJohnHenry
    Mar 24, 04:57 PM
    Today, calling people who disagree with the Obama administration's antics "racist" is equivalent to calling someone a "doo-doo-head".

    This is a discouraging trend.

    They water-down the label, by misusing it so often. It will lose all real value.

    Fairly, no, make that really, stupid.

    cinco de mayo. cinco de mayo graphics
  • cinco de mayo graphics

    Sep 13, 07:04 AM
    Is there a possibility to assign single cores, or even pairs of cores to certain jobs?

    For example, have two cores rendering, two cores encoding, two cores processing regular actions, and two cores making breakfast?

    Does my PowerBook G4 have 8 Cores? What is an 8-Core?


    cinco de mayo. celebrate Cinco de Mayo?
  • celebrate Cinco de Mayo?

  • X2468
    Mar 31, 11:03 PM
    Probably what bothers me the most about the discourse that Android is open is that underlying that logic is an implicit (or perhaps really explicit, depending on who is touting that discourse) assumption that it is democratic, liberal, progressive, and for "the people" and thus prevents a "draconian future" from happening because instead of letting corporations dictate our digital worlds, the people will a) have a say in it and b) have a choice.


    This discourse makes a false link between software being open source and political ideology. The two are not necessarily corresponding. And furthermore, that Android is actually open source is highly debatable but I won't go there.

    Why do so many technophiles fall for the discourse that open means choice means freedom mean democracy discourse? It's all BALONEY! Google isn't really interested in protecting your freedom, democracy etc.. It's really interested in surviving and making money. Let's try not to fall AGAIN for that political cover.

    In this case, I find Apple much more honest. They don't talk about political ideologies like freedom, democracy etc. All they say is they want to make devices that are friendly and easy to use. They don't couch their products in political ideological terms.
    Your verbose attempt to cloud the truth is impressive, even if wildly false. It's readily apparent you've gone to great lengths to cover up your lack of technical erudition.

    I do agree that Apples current advantages are:

    1) Brand Name
    2) Excellent Product Design
    3) Huge Population Of Cult Like Followers
    4) Steve Jobs, Worlds Best Sales Person

    Yet change is brewing, nothing lasts forever.

    Be prepared.

    cinco de mayo. cinco de mayo clip art border.
  • cinco de mayo clip art border.

  • stukick
    Apr 8, 06:19 AM
    Apple at Best Buy sucks anyway. No one in the store knows anything about Apple products. I love eavesdropping on a customer and sales person while they try and answer or explain Apple products to a potential customer. Usually after the sales person walks away, I swoop in and answer any of the customer's questions...correctly. :)

    cinco de mayo. Air Jordan I (1) Cinco De Mayo
  • Air Jordan I (1) Cinco De Mayo

  • aegisdesign
    Sep 13, 12:35 PM
    going out on a limb here and assuming you have a heavily cluttered desktop

    Yes, I know. it takes me a couple of days to really clutter up my desktop whilst I'm working on a project and the desktop's the handiest place to stash stuff. I've also usually got 30-40 windows open too.

    If I'm busy I don't have the time to de-clutter and get back teh snappy.

    cinco de mayo. Cinco De Mayo
  • Cinco De Mayo

  • Oh-es-Ten
    Apr 5, 05:02 PM
    So many things that FCP / FCS can improve upon here - they need the equivalent of Adobe's Mercury Engine, leveraging Grand Central, QTX, and a full Cocoa build for all the FCS apps...

    At present we have to re-encode a lot of our footage (7D / Minicam etc), and you don't need to do that in Premiere, it just plays on the timeline - however editing in that is quite frankly an exercise in sheer frustration and strange bugs.

    Come on, please be true! The days of pressing CMD+R I would love to see over! Especially when you are rendering an audio effect that actual renders in a microsecond, yet won't play realtime... Sigh.

    cinco de mayo. cinco de mayo decorations
  • cinco de mayo decorations

  • gnasher729
    Apr 19, 03:36 PM
    Does anyone think that a normal person would actually confuse a Samsung Galaxy (especially with that huge "Samsung" on it) with an Apple iPhone when they're buying it?

    I mean, is Apple going to claim that they're losing sales because the Galaxy is so close to the iPhone that people can't tell the difference? If so, that sure doesn't say much for the iPhone. Or it says a lot for the Galaxy.

    You made up your mind and you argue accordingly. Consider this: Many people know the name "iPhone" and the way it looks, they may even know the name "Macintosh", but not the name "Apple". They might have talked to someone who used an iPhone and was very happy with it, were convinced to buy one, and go to a shop and pick up the phone that looks exactly like the one they wanted to buy. And end up with a Samsung phone when they actually wanted an iPhone.

    Your second argument doesn't really make much sense. Samsung knew what the iPhone looks like, so if the Galaxy looks the same, it is because Samsung decided that it should look that way. Confusion surely goes both ways, so there would be a danger for Samsung that someone wanting to buy a Galaxy ends up buying an iPhone. Samsung had to know and accept this. So obviously Samsung is of the opinion that if people who want an iPhone buy a Galaxy by mistake, and people who want a Galaxy buy an iPhone by mistake, then Samsung will overall benefit. Doesn't seem to say much for the Galaxy, if they try to create this confusion.

    cinco de mayo. Cinco de Mayo Fiesta
  • Cinco de Mayo Fiesta

  • stormj
    Aug 11, 01:41 PM
    Here are some of the issues with the iPod phone.

    In order to make the biggest splash, it will have to be available in both GSM and CDMA versions so that all of the big 4 carriers can use it. GSM is the international standard, so I'm sure they will have that *at least*.

    In order for it to matter, it will have to be able to access the music store over the air. Have you tried downloading an MP3 file, even on an EDGE connection? It sucks.

    The delay here has more to do with the networks. Until the 3G networks are fully rolled out (EV-DO on Verizon, UTMS on GSM, etc. etc.) and available beyond a few cities, this phone will just frustrate people. (Verizon's rollout has gone much further, but I would think given that CDMA is rare outside of the US that that fails to compensate for the fact that the GSM 3G is still in just a few markets.)

    The latest rumor is that wide-spread UTMS roll out will be in Q1 2007. When that happens, we'll see an iPod phone. It's not as if Apple couldn't have made an Apple-rific phone by now. The limitation isn't theirs, it's the networks'.

    In the meantime, you can get an HTC Tytn that will use 3G world wide and will play MediaPlayer... if you're into M$.

    cinco de mayo. cinco de mayo decorations.
  • cinco de mayo decorations.

  • Eidorian
    Jul 31, 12:31 PM
    What I'd like to know is the upgrade options in a new tower. We're running on EFI instead of Open Firmware now.

    cinco de mayo. Thursday is Cinco de Mayo and
  • Thursday is Cinco de Mayo and

  • Dark K
    Jun 22, 09:07 AM
    That is just ridicoulous, what, shipment will come the 23rd on midnight? If they tell you "come Thursday", that probably means that we won't get any, if Radioshack has indeed not receive any info, that means that selected stores will get the pre-orders plus some others.

    cinco de mayo. Myspace cinco-de-mayo Comments
  • Myspace cinco-de-mayo Comments

  • trogdor!
    Jul 14, 10:20 PM
    The current powermac g5's have 1 16x PCI-E slot for the video card along with 2 - 4x and 1 - 8x PCI-E slots. Video cards are about the only thing right now that can even use all 16 lanes of the PCI-E bus. I am not saying future things wont, but thats how it currently stands.

    cinco de mayo. cinco de mayo. cinco de mayo.
  • cinco de mayo. cinco de mayo.

  • shamino
    Jul 20, 09:12 AM
    The Mactopus??
    Am I the only one who thought of a case-mod idea after seeing this line? :eek:

    cinco de mayo. cinco de mayo pictures to
  • cinco de mayo pictures to

  • Dalton63841
    Apr 27, 09:46 AM
    Barack Husein Obama was born in Kenya! Now we have proof!!! Look, it says it right there!! :rolleyes:

    Im really hoping the odd smiley means you are joking, and not that you just don't know how to read a birth certificate.

    EDIT: LOL I get it...His father has the same name.

    cinco de mayo. cinco de mayo food ideas.
  • cinco de mayo food ideas.

  • robbyx
    Apr 25, 04:11 PM
    They owe us an explanation. We have a right to know what the device do and do not do.

    You have a RIGHT? Really? And where does that RIGHT come from? The only right you have is the right to choose another product if you don't like something about the one you're using.

    Stop whining. The phone doesn't even track you. As others have pointed out, the data is cell tower based, not GPS. The phone only logs the same kind of information your cell company already logs.

    cinco de mayo. Cinco de Mayo. Posted In: .
  • Cinco de Mayo. Posted In: .

  • rishio
    Apr 6, 12:24 AM
    The apple store is down so maybe they are announcing it tomorrow?

    cinco de mayo. Cinco de mayo Coloring Pages
  • Cinco de mayo Coloring Pages

  • ugp
    Jun 11, 12:21 PM
    My DM told me we can open anytime we want to no later than 8am. I have a best buy and ATT corporate store directly accross the street from me. Im waiting for them to announce when they are opening and ill be open 1 hr before them if they open at 6am, im openening at 5am.

    I can't see Radio Shack being able to open and sell iPhones before Apple does. Granted your store isn't actually opening, it's for iPhone Customers only before normal business hours.

    I am still waiting for my buddy that is a Manager to get an answer from his DM. He spoke up and asked about it on his Conference call this morning.

    Apr 10, 07:21 PM
    Can't wait for NAB

    Bye Bye Baby
    Jul 21, 03:33 AM
    With all these new technologies with 4, 8 and eventually 24-core capacities (some time in the not too distant future) all running at 64-bit, we musn't forget that software also has tobe developed for these machienes in order to get the most out of the hardware. At the moment we aren't even maximising core-duo, let alone a quad core and all the rest!!!!

    Besides, for 90% of what non-pro users do, these advances will help very little. Internet will still run at the same spead and my ipod will still chug along with USB2 etc.

    Pros with pro apps acn rejoice, only if software keeps the pace!!!

    Let's hope so!!!

    Nov 28, 06:33 PM
    They'd be lucky.

    Apr 11, 02:15 PM
    I'm in this boat to. I'm noticing my battery life is deteriorating also - never owned an iPhone this long. Also my GF has Verison Droid that just kicks my ass; better reception, faster, cool apps -e.g. voice to SMS. I can wait until July but late fall? IDK.

    Are you serious? The Moto Droid (i.e.: the original one) is slower than molasses. You cannot be talking about the original Verizon Droid. That phone under-delivered out the gate. My friend from work whose entire family uses Verizon bought a Motorola Droid and she thought she was getting the equivalent of an iPhone and hated it ever since. She was jumping up and down when Verizon got the iPhone.

    Maybe, just maybe, a Verizon Motorola Droid, rooted and with the latest stable version of Gingerbread installed you can get decent performance and responsiveness, but certainly not with an approved Froyo update running on it.

    I sure hope you are talking about a newer "Verizon Droid" phone -- some of those are nice, but I still would not trade the Apple user experience for the Android experience -- though I hate having to wait until Sep/Oct.

    As a side note, I laughed heartily last night when my sister-in-law asked if I had Angry Birds on my iPhone or iPad because her mom loved that game. Her husband, my wife's brother, who owns a Motorola Droid and a Xoom and is a huge Android enthusiast promptly answered her saying "that Angry Birds is only available on Android". I proceeded to show him the number of "Angry Birds" games available on iOS. Made me realize that Android enthusiasts often don't know that there is something better out there, and yet Apple enthusiasts are called "ignorant, stupid, and sheep". His response was to show me an app he had that could automatically throttle his CPU down to save battery when the phone was not in heavy use. I admitted that I did not have that capability, but that I also did not need it. The moral of the story was, if you want really useful apps and games and fantastic user experience and tight integration with a suite of great (albeit sometimes expensive) products, then you buy Apple. If you want a heterogenous computing environment, your greatest apps to come from Google, and the ability to throttle the clock-speed on your smartphone's CPU, then Android is for you.

    I think it is very telling that last week ( when Clorox CIO offered 2000 Clorox employees the option to switch off Blackberry and get an iPhone, Android or Win Phone 7 device on the company's dime to replace their Blackberry device, that 92% of those 2000 employees chose a 10-month-old iPhone 4, with only 6% choosing Android, and 2% choosing WP7. Google would have you believe that people prefer Android. The truth of the matter is that the people who don't care about having a smartphone or not just choose the best "free phone" or BOGO option that the carrier offers -- if that option happens to be Android, then sure Android commands a greater market share of the growing smartphone market. Those customers will never care what their mobile OS is -- they were just looking to get what they could for free (or cheap). Its like asking somebody if they would prefer the Honda or Hyundai -- most would prefer the Honda, but many may settle for the Hyundai if it is cheaper. But when you take cost out of the equation then the story changes. The moral of that story is that Apple needs a cheaper entry point for an iOS smartphone if they want to command market share and especially to put their phones in the hands of more teenagers.

    Blue Velvet
    Mar 22, 10:21 AM
    I was stewing about this

    Honestly, don't bother. You think facts count for anything? One simple pointed observation about Ronald Reagan was enough to stop the flow of nonsense in its tracks. Congress hasn't declared war since the mid-1940s... funny how that's so important all of a sudden now.

    As for the ill-advised juvenile rant about liberals and 'their' first black president, I think it's far better that sort of comment is left intact for others to read. The full workings of the conservative id are plain to see.

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